Summer Reading Program

One Community, One Book
Summer Reading Program

Look to the side sub menus for more details on grade-specific reading requirements.
Everyone from our youngest two-year-olds to our rising 8th-grade students will read (or have read to them!)

The Tale of a Whale by Karen Swann

This book was selected by faculty to align with our 2024-2025 theme “We Seek to Create an Earth Restored”.
The Tale of a Whale written by Karen Swann and illustrated by Padmacandra, recounts a journey taken by a child and a whale. The two embark on a beautiful journey together in this lyrical, gorgeously illustrated picture book about friendship, hope, and love for the world around us. In selecting this book the faculty committee recognized its accessibility to all ages. The book’s themes will engender rich discussions about friendship, our relationship to the natural world, and our responsibility to care for others. We will begin the year learning more about Karen Swann and illustrator, Padmacandra.
Students rising into 4th through 5th grades are to also read
For some of our younger students, having their parents read the book with them or listening to the audio version will help them enjoy this story about a child trying to clean up local beaches and waterways.

Students rising into 6th through 8th grades are to also read
Turn the Tide by Elaine Dimopoulos
Turn the Tide
This book won the Cadmus Children’s Fiction Green Earth Book Award!. This novel in verse explores environmental concerns many young people today have and shows how change can be made close to home.
For the adults in our community, after you have enjoyed reading to and with your students, I hope you will join us in reading
 The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt
The Anxious Generation
In early September I will host a coffee and conversation time for us to talk about this amazing book together.

Enjoy your adventures in reading this summer!

Our hope is that your student will participate in your local reading program this summer.
Here are a few examples.
Located at the Burlington County Library in Westampton. StoryWalk® is an outdoor reading experience created to promote physical activity, early literacy and family time together in nature.
Mt. Laurel Library's summer reading program begins in late June and includes prizes. There area  host of activities open to everyone listed on their website calendar.