Board of Trustees
Westfield Friends School operates as an independent private school under the governance of the Board of Trustees, appointed by the Westfield Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. The Board is comprised of dedicated professionals that include members of Westfield Monthly Meeting, alumni, educators, and current and former parents.
The Board of Trustees has fiduciary responsibility for the School as a whole, predominantly: setting long-term strategy and policy, overseeing financial affairs, maintenance and enhancements to the physical plant, long-range planning and fundraising, and the hiring and supervising of the Head of School. Standing subcommittees of the Board include Development, Finance, and Governance.
2024–2025 Board of Trustees
Robert Abramowitz '61, Clerk
John Bond, Secretary
David Skinner '00, Treasurer
Angela Garcia '80
Brad Gibson
Dr. Margaret Haviland, Ex Officio
Stephanie Judson
Douglas Maier
Luke McKinstry
Joan Spagnoletti
Frank Urbano
Darren White
If you have suggestions, questions, or concerns, please email the Clerk of the Board of Trustees, Robert Abramowitz ([email protected])
FAQ'S about Quakers
The following can be seen on the Friends General Conference* (FGC) website explaining 'About Quakers'. There are more FAQ's answered on the site including about Quakers Engaging in the World, Quaker Practices, Quakers Through the World, and Quaker History.
Westfield Friends School is in a care relationship with Westfield Friends Meeting.
Westfield Friends Meeting is a part of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.
Quaker Beliefs
What do Quakers believe?
Are Quakers Christian?
It sounds like Quakers can believe anything they like - is that so?
Do Quakers believe in heaven and hell?
Do Quakers read the Bible?
Quaker Worship
Can I attend a Quaker meeting?
What happens in Quaker worship - is it really silent?
How do Quakers practice baptism and communion?
What should I wear to Quaker meeting?
* Friends General Conference (FGC) provides services and resources for individual Friends, meetings, and people interested in the Quaker way. FGC is an association of regional Quaker communities in the U.S. and Canada working together to nurture a vital Quaker faith.