They'll be moving on soon...

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While being at Westfield for eleven years, Imogene recognizes the impact that the school and community has had on her. “My time at Westfield has shaped me into the person I am today and I am very grateful for all the memories I have gained.” 


Imogene has several Westfield memories and traditions that she holds dearly. “One of my favorite traditions at Westfield is the nativity scene performed by the second grade. When I was baby, I got to be baby Jesus and once I was in second grade, I got to be Mary.” She has also enjoyed all of the performances that she got to be a part of, some of her favorites being— Go Fish!, Barnyward Musical, and A MidSummer Night’s Dream. 


Imogene has also appreciated the class field trips during her time at Westfield. “I’ve gone to Camp Dark Waters for one night both this year and last year. Camp Dark Waters brought me out of my comfort zone, and I am so grateful for that. The other overnight trip I went on was to Virginia to go caving. That trip was quite an adventure [. . .] I made a lot of memories that I will cherish forever.” 


buddie picImogene deems Westfield a big part of her life and appreciates the positive influence that the community has had on her. “I have had so many more wonderful memories and experiences in my time at Westfield, but I would be writing forever if I told every single one of them. My family has been a part of the school’s community for almost 20 years when my eldest sister entered the school and it is so crazy that we have such a short time left. I will never forget about Westfield and all of the memories that I’ve made.”


Take a look at all the other graduate reflections here.