They'll be moving on soon...

henrietta picIn her nine years at Westfield, Henrietta has made unforgettable friendships and memories. “ I have created so many memories that will be with me always. I have formed connections with my teachers and made so many strong friendships that I know will last for the rest of my life.” 


Henrietta is appreciative of the traditions she has experienced and the memories she has made during her time at Westfield. “From Halloween Guessing to singing “Lean On Me” with the whole school to Field Day, every single event planned at this school is so fun and thoughtful. This place really works hard to ensure that every student is included and having a great time!” Henrietta also enjoyed the Nativity scene in 2nd grade, studying famous New Jerseyans in 4th grade, her 6th grade production of A MidSummer Night’s Dream, and her Middle School field trips to Virginia, Washington D.C., and Camp Dark Waters. 


Henrietta is also grateful for all that she has learned academically at Westfield. “While Westfield makes sure that we are having a great time, we are also being filled with knowledge and learning so many cool new things every single day. I am grateful that I have been in Advanced Math for the past 3 years because I have been enlightened to countless new topics and skills.” Henrietta deems her teachers “such amazing people and I am so happy that I have gotten the chance to be taught by them. I know that I will thrive in the future because of the knowledge I have gained here.” 


Henrietta thinks of her time at Westfield very fondly. “I will cherish for the rest of my life every single memory I have made at Westfield Friends and am so grateful to have the opportunity to attend such a wonderful school.”


We are excited to share that Henrietta has received the Bishop Eustace School Merit-Based Scholar award. Congratulations, Henrietta!


Take a look at all the other graduate reflections here.