Happy π Day!

pi day imagePi is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Students had a contest to see who could recite the most of its "infinite decimal" digits.

A valiant effort was made by all to recite as many digits of pi as they could.

Of course, the fun part was having the winners pie Teacher Josh in the face, as a prize!

Ethan S., in 8th grade, was the overall winner with 314 digits recited correctly!

Notice how silent the students were when Ethan stopped reciting so that he could concentrate enough to perhaps go on! Way to go Westfield!

Olga, in 5th grade came in second: 172

And the youngest participant, 2nd-grader Jack B, recited 170!

Here's how everyone else did, in order of appearance:

Connor VN (7th): 47
Nyla G (7th): 42
Faria M(7th): 35

Eleni K (3rd): 13
Gunbani K (3rd): 5
Asya Y (3rd): 27
Gigi O (3rd): 40

Langston W-M (6th): 11
Ryan S (6th): 100
Jordan M (6th): 24
Vedh P (6th): 12
Avi D (6th): 34

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