Looking at Art Tradition is Thriving

Jacob Lawrence presentation

Be sure to click on the links on page 2 and 3 for video links
In honoring Black History, Looking at Art will present an overview of some of the Black artists who have contributed to the canon of Art History. 
I chose to begin with Jacob Lawrence 1917- 2000. Lawrence was an artist who became successful at a young age and continued to grow throughout his long career.  His style involved social realism, figuration, abstraction, and geometry.
Lawrence was an active participant during the ending years of the  Harlem Renaissance. His works described the harsh realities of the Great Migration, poverty, violence, and injustice while at the same time expressing hope for the future and mankind's inherent dignity.
Our alumni often reminisce about the Monday morning all-school gatherings when they sat silently in an auditorium staring at slides (yes, the ones with the slide projector!) and learning about different artists and their mediums. They may not have been so enthusiastic about these gatherings at the time, but they now realize that those Looking at Art sessions sparked a love for the arts that has stayed with them. 
Today, Teacher Deborah consciously includes a diverse variety of artists mirroring the varied makeup of our student body. Her commitment to inclusivity is unwavering, as she continues to inspire the next generation.
Stay tuned for this bi-weekly Looking at Art Latest News feature to learn alongside our students and broaden your own appreciation for art.