Rushmore House - Our New Home for the Preschool 3 Program!

Teddy A was the first student to walk through our doors on Tuesday, marking the beginning of our Preschool 3 program after winter break at our new home!
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Westfield Friends School is thrilled to announce that our three-year-old preschool program moved into the remodeled Rushmore House on Tuesday, January 2nd.
This house, originally built for Quaker Jane Rushmore by her father, is long remembered in Cinnaminson as the home of Bayard Chocolates. In housing Westfield Friends School Preschool 3 class, it is returning to its Quaker educator roots.
It's been an incredible journey rebuilding and refurbishing this House into our new Preschool 3 Building and administration offices. This has all been thanks to a Westfield friend of the school.
Alongside this generous donor, there have been many hands involved in the creation of the vision and its execution. Stay tuned for a future posting where we will list these mostly local vendors to join us in congratulating them for a job well done. 
Our Director of Finance and Operations, Carol Beaton, masterfully coordinated all parties involved in this remodel. It was an impressive accomplishment worthy of congratulations.