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Summer Camp 2025 Registration Form (Westfield Families)

SUMMER CAMP 2022 form header

This form is for CURRENTLY ENROLLED Westfield Friends Students ONLY

Please complete a separate form for each camper attending
A two (2) week minimum registration is required

Registration deadline: May 15th, 2025, or until all spaces are full.
Register on or before April 1st (Early Bird!) and avoid paying the $100 registration fee (per family). 

Register more than one camper and receive our 10% family discount.
Register your student for 5+ weeks and receive a $50 discount.
Register your student for all 8 weeks and receive another $100 discount ($150 total).


CAMPER Information

LAST grade completed*
For PreSchool through rising 3rd graders (have already completed 2nd grade)
Answer Required



WEEK 1 June 23 - June 27 Three Ring Circus
WEEK 2 June 30 - July 2* Super Heroes Unite *Discounted Week ($260/$200)
WEEK 3 July 7 - July 11     Farm & Feathered Friends
WEEK 4 July 14 - July 18 Fairy Tales & Dragons
WEEK 5 July 21 - July 25 Pirates & Mermaids on the High Seas
WEEK 6 July 28 - August 1 Secret Agents & Detectives
WEEK 7 August 4 - August 8 Camp Hollywood
WEEK 8 August 11- August 15 Camp Olympics: Garnet vs. Blue!


5 Full Days
Monday - Friday
8:30am to 4:00pm
Available to all campers
5 Half Days*
Monday - Friday
8:30am to 12:30pm
*Rising PreSchool3 - PreK ONLY

Extended Hours

No weekly fee


7:30-8:30am and/or 4:00-5:30pm


$100 (One-time registration fee for extended day use) .


Campers attending WEEKS 1,2,3,4 >> Payment in full due by May 25, 2025
Campers attending WEEKS 5,6,7, 8 >> Payment in full due by June 22, 2025
Make your choice of WEEK(s) & PLAN(s) below. Select each option you want for each week.
All fees processed through FACTS Management; Minimum two (2) week registration is required
Answer Required
Extended AM
Extended PM
WEEK 1: Monday, June 23- Friday, June 27 ($430 full/$330 half)
WEEK 2: Monday, June 30 - Wednesday, July 2 ($ 260 full/$200 half)
WEEK 3: Monday, July 7 - Friday, July 11 ($430 full /$330 half)
WEEK 4: Monday, July 14 - Friday, July 18 ($430 full/$330 half)
WEEK 5: Monday, July 21 - Friday, July 25 ($430 full/$330 half)
WEEK 6: Monday, July 28 - Friday, August 1 ($430 full/$330 half)
WEEK 7: Monday, August 4 - Friday, August 8 ($430 full/$330 half)
WEEK 8: Monday, August 11 - Friday, August 15 ($430 full/$330 half)
How did you hear about WFS Summer Camp this year?*
Click all that apply
Answer Required


No credits or refunds are given for missed camp days or cancellations. Payment in full (WEEKS 1-4 payment in full due by May 25, 2025, & WEEKS 5-8  payment in full due by June 22, 2025) is required before attendance. We must meet our minimum camper enrollment for camp to be viable. Parents will be notified no later than Monday, April 21st, 2025, if for that reason camp will not run.

This form serves as the camp registration for your student. Your Westfield Friends School Continuous Enrollment Agreement is still in effect and is used for camp releases and permissions. Please update your family's contact and pick-up information in FACTS, as well as your student's health and medication forms if necessary.

Summer Campers may take trips in connection with the summer camp program to locations within walking distance of the school, including but not limited to, Wood Park, Cinnaminson Library, and/or Footlighters Theatre. By checking below and signing this document I give permission for my camper to participate in these walking field trips. *
Answer Required
Summer Campers are required to be fully potty-trained. The Camp Staff acknowledge that occasional accidents do happen with young children. However, it is important that all campers be potty-trained as camp staff do not have the capacity to change diapers, pull-ups, and/or accidents on a regular basis. By checking below and signing, I state that my camper is fully potty-trained. I understand that if my camper is not potty-trained, they may be dismissed from camp.*
Answer Required

Electronic Signatures. Each party agrees that this and any other documents to be delivered in connection herewith may be electronically signed by printing a name and that any electronic signatures appearing on this Agreement or such other documents are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility.

I have read and understand the IMPORTANT NOTES above and I agree to these terms.

Signature Required

Sign this form

By pressing “Sign Form,” you are agreeing to signing this form electronically.
Signature *
Type to sign
Draw your signature

Confirmation Email