They'll be moving on soon...

In just three years, Eli feels fully enveloped by the sense of community at Westfield. “My experience at Westfield Friends School started in 6th grade. One of the first things I remember was how familiar everyone seemed to me; the teachers and students were so welcoming and I felt as though I had been at Westfield all my life.” 


eli midummer nights dream

When musing on his favorite memories, several fond ones came to mind. “ I will never forget putting on the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” with Mrs. Parry. I loved my role as Peter Quince, and I will never forget the unmistakable mood of the class - we had all put in so much work for the play, and now, finally, we were getting a chance to show it. The entire class was so supportive of each other and the sense of community I felt was what sparked my growing love of theater.” Eli also enjoyed the winter concerts, writing stories in Mrs. Parry’s English class, and his class trip to Virignia. 


Eli is grateful for his time at Westfield and everyone that has contributed to his positive experience. “My time at Westfield is something I cherish and will always remember. Being at Westfield and being a part of the community has helped me grow and thrive as a student and also as a person. Westfield’s community of teachers and students continues to help me as I come into my own identity as a student, person, and a part of the community.”