They'll be moving on soon...


kayla c

We are excited to highlight our upcoming graduates in the following weeks as they share their reflections on their experience at Westfield. 


In her nine years at Westfield, Kayla has appreciated the friendly atmosphere. “I have been at Westfield Friends for nine years, with each year filled with everlasting memories. One of my favorite things about Westfield is the community and the closeness everyone shares with each other.”


Some of Kayla’s favorite Westfield memories are the Asian banquet and the nativity scene in second grade. “Going into middle school, I most remember our trips to Camp Dark Waters and Virginia, as well as launching rockets in the rain in seventh grade.”


Kayla finds herself grateful for her time at Westfield. “I’ll always remember the Westfield community I grew up in.”


We are excited to share that Kayla received scholarships to Paul VI High School. Congratulations, Kayla!