They'll be moving on soon...

Julia m

In her eight years at Westfield, Julia acknowledges the impact that the school has had on her. “Between the traditions, plays, and musicals, and the friendly community that Westfield has cultivated, I’ve always felt comfortable in school. My classmates and teachers have allowed me to learn and thrive at Westfield.” 


Julia has many memories during her time at Westfield that she holds dearly. “Some of my favorite memories include working at the Westfield Summer Camp, going to Virginia, and dressing as Bruce Springsteen in the New Jersey fourth-grade wax museum. The various plays, such as Go Fish!, Midsummer Night’s Dream, and the nativity scene, were such exciting experiences, as well.” 


Looking back on her experience at Westfield, Julia feels well-prepared for high school. “In my classes, whether it be math, Social Studies, or art class, I always feel as if I’m learning something that will benefit me in the future.” She feels grateful for her Westfield community. “The environment Westfield creates for its students allows them to grow, be engaged, and feel safe while learning.”